Hairline Zit Fix
Clear up forehead breakouts with
these new bump-be-gone tactics
Don't assume those pesky pimples on your forehead mean you're stuck with bangs for life--the fact is, your fringe is making it worse. Breakouts along your hairline are the result of skin so parched, it absorbs oil and dirt from face-framing strands, explains Palm Beach esthetician Deborah Koepper. To clear things up, keep hair off blemishes with a headband and dry up zits with a salicylic-acid acne treatment. Try Prescriptives Blemish Specialist. Switch to a rehydrating skin regiment: Use a moisturizing cleanser morning and night. Try Neutrogena Deep Clean Cleanser. Follow with an alcohol-free toner. Try Lancome Tonique Douceur. Finish with a moisturizing face cream. Try Bioré oil-free Hydrating Moisturizer.